Advantages of Painted Concrete Floors

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concrete flooring
  • Unfinished concrete floors can be prone to cracking and staining.
  • There is a wide range of paint and epoxy options available to update your interior design or garage floor.
  • Neyra Paving is a leading concrete company in the Cincinnati area that can assist you with your concrete flooring project.

Some homes, most garages, and most basements have concrete flooring, which is typically covered with some type of finish layer. For homeowners looking for a unique way to finish their flooring, consider painting the concrete instead of covering it. Explore the beautiful features, easy installation, and other benefits of painting concrete in your home. Learn more about this stylish option for your home in the Cincinnati, OH, area by contacting Neyra Paving.

Concrete Flooring Color and Design Options

Concrete is a blank canvas that can be transformed with multi-colored designs, a simple monotone look, or a blend of the two strategies. Here are some common design options to consider as you explore this flooring option.

Iconic Designs

You can really go wild with designs on blank concrete. Don’t let the bland tone of concrete hold you back from choosing an eye-catching design for your floor. Consider trying one of these design options for your basement or main floor:

  • Marbled texture
  • Painted chevrons or tiles
  • Acid staining
  • Terrazzo-inspired texture
  • Painted grout lines

These designs help mirror a beautiful marble or tile floor or bring out the natural beauty of a smooth, polished concrete surface. Some of these designs are quite bold, which work well as an iconic backdrop to a more minimalist look. A professional contractor can help you accomplish your chosen design.

Popular Colors

If a full design is too busy or distracting for your existing interior design, you don’t have to give up on painting your concrete flooring. Instead, choose a single color or two-tone look and stick with more muted colors for a stylishly minimal flooring:

  • Gray and white
  • Clearcoat
  • Warm, natural tones
  • Metallic tones

A clear coat or gray paint will keep your concrete’s general feel, but seal it to remove rough patches and reduce the risk of staining. For a more warm, inviting flooring option, consider a soft brown or other natural tones.

Why You Need Concrete Floor Paint or Epoxy

Don’t be tempted to cut corners in your floor paint project. You need to use paint or epoxy specifically designed for use on concrete. Wood-grade paint won’t adhere properly and will soon chip, peel, or bubble. Invest in quality paint or epoxy to enjoy a long-lasting project. If you’re unsure of the best type of product for concrete, turn to a local concrete contractor.

How To Paint Your Concrete Flooring

If you’re considering painting your own floor in Cincinnati or hiring a reputable concrete service provider, these are the steps it takes to alter the current color. Don’t let a cracked, stained, or currently painted concrete floor stop you from changing it. Work with a professional team in your area to patch, prepare, and paint your floor.

Prepare the Floor

Your paint project isn’t going to last if you don’t properly prepare your floor. This includes patching any cracks or pitted areas. Ask a professional concrete contractor to inspect your floor and prepare it for paint.

Next, you’ll need to sand and buff your floor. This process requires a concrete sander, safety gear, and some experience working with concrete. Improperly sanding your floor may prevent the paint from adhering and could create issues later on in the process.

Finally, be sure the concrete is completely dry before applying primer. If you’re working in a garage or basement, this may require a dehumidifier to ensure a fully dry surface.

Choose a Paint

Review the colors and styles above to find one that fits your design. You should also compare and contrast paints and epoxy. Paint is typically more affordable than epoxy. Most epoxy coats create a glossy surface, while paint can be applied in a range of sheens.

Paint, however, isn’t as durable as epoxy. A painted floor is more prone to staining, scratching, and fading. This won’t matter as much with a basement floor or other low-traffic area, but a garage or living room project may be better off with an epoxy coating. Both epoxy and paint can be customized to include a stunning range of colors and patterns.

Apply the Coat and Wait

Apply the first coat of primer and wait before applying additional coats. The dry time varies, as does the time required between coats. Use at least one coat of primer and one coat of paint or epoxy. Consider an additional coat or a layer of top coat to seal your concrete floor. It may take up to seven days for a surface to fully cure or dry, so be sure you’re prepared to wait for a fully prepared surface.

Review the VOC levels of your chosen paint or epoxy. Some products produce harmful fumes, so you may need to leave your home or not use your garage for a period of time until it’s fully aired out.

Benefits of Painted Concrete

After all the preparation and painting, you’ll be surprised at the level of style and durability of your finished floor. Most homeowners assume that concrete is only useful as a subfloor, but you can enjoy these benefits if you finish off your concrete with a professional paint project.

Durable Flooring

Few things will stain, crack, or scratch your concrete. Unlike other flooring materials, like hardwood or tile, concrete is thick and hard enough to withstand several issues. Even in the event of a crack from a serious impact, a local concrete contractor can patch and repair the surface.

Minimal Maintenance

While not entirely maintenance-free, concrete floors require far less maintenance than most other flooring options. The lack of scratches and scuffs means you won’t have to resurface the concrete as often as a hardwood floor needs to be resurfaced.

You will eventually need to repaint your floor as part of a concrete maintenance routine. This frequency depends on the traffic pattern and type of paint or epoxy used.

Easy Cleanup

Put away your carpet steamer, high-powered vacuum, and other expensive cleaning products. A simple mop and broom are all you need to maintain your concrete floor. Sealed concrete is resistant to water damage and staining. There aren’t any grooves or fibers for dirt, mold, and mildew to hide in, so you won’t need any high-powered technology to keep your floors cleaned.

Unique Style

Create a floor you’re proud of with painted concrete. Concrete is a great base floor for virtually any interior design. A few rugs can add a soft touch and splash of color to a muted concrete surface. With a bold concrete color, a toned-down rug or furniture set offers a balanced look.

Learn More About Your Concrete Options With Neyra Paving

Your leading concrete paving company in Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky is Neyra Paving. Request a free estimate today to learn how Neya Paving can help you sort through concrete designs and prepare your concrete floor. Transform a stained or cracked surface today with the latest in concrete finishing technology. Reach out by calling (513) 733-1001 today.

Featured Image: onzon / Shutterstock